106 Days Baby: 3 Months and Three Weeks


 106 Days Baby: 3 Months Three Weeks

My age reaches 106 days or three months three weeks. One weeks shy from four months hallmark. Dad and mom seem like and love me even more because I look like a healthy baby: chubby and hardly cry. It's in contrast to the previous days when I cry for nothing and make mom and dad confused.

Well, I have a new routine nowadays: listening to Islamic VCD for children in Bahasa Indonesia and English. Mom also starts reading me stories every now and then sometimes twice, in the morning and at night.

Dad and mom think that though I am unable to speak, my brain already works and is able to store some vocabularies. That's why they keep talking a lot to me even when they don't get any response from me in return.

I'll say a big "Thanks you dad. Thank you mom" the time when I am able to talk later. Maybe next year. Looking forward to that moment. I am sure dad and mom too.

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