I and mom join dad to Kepanjen in the afternoon to bring the computer dad wants to give to uncle Luthfi. Dad asked uncle Luthfi to join the computer training at
PP Alkhoirot Karangsuko Malang and dad promised to give him a computer set to practice if he's so interested in the training. Uncle Lutfi seems interested with both the training and the computer. So, dad keeps his promise and today we deliver it to him. He seems so glad. I also wish him luck may that humble machine become a turning point of something new in his life. Amen
When I enter gramma's house, I found out something new: gramma unusually carries cousin Zahra who are 3 months older than me. Frankly speaking I am a bit jealous. Gramma used to carry me whenever I am there. Not this time. And I can't hold my tears seeing that moment of painful truth.
But mom and gramma try to calm me down by saying that gramma will be carrying me tomorrow when I am there again to stay one night with mom.