Having a three-months plus old baby like me for the first time makes my dad busy about what to do. I think here's a good an advice from expert for dad and mom suppose to do to me:
Start reading to her now
Reading to a child, no matter how small, will pay off. It helps your baby develop an ear for the cadence of language -- in fact, varying the pitch of your voice, using accents, singing, and vocalising make the aural connection between you and your baby that much more stimulating. But don't worry if she looks the other way or loses concentration -- adjust her stimulation by trying something else, or give her time to rest. Co-ordinate your interactions with her responses and interest.
There are also plenty of good books to read to your baby. Choose board books with large, bright pictures and simple text -- or even wordless books with pictures for you to narrate.
But at this point you needn't be slavish to age guidelines. Books designed for older children with clear, crisp images and bright colours can captivate a baby. Or you can even read poetry originally written for adult ears. What your baby doesn't understand will nonetheless delight her because of its musicality (you'll probably be amused as well).
Early language development
This is a sensitive time when verbal stimulation is particularly important for your baby. Seize the moment and engage her with a variety of words and sounds. Recent research links higher intelligence levels to how many words a child hears in the first year of life. This is the time to set a sound foundation. Even a trip to the shops can be a chance to stimulate your child -- as you roam the aisles, point to objects and identify them by name. Your baby can't repeat these words yet, but she's storing all the information in her rapidly developing memory.
A baby in a bilingual home will get double the language training if she regularly hears both languages spoken. If you'd like her to learn more than one language, have each parent speak to her in a different language.
Touch becoming more sensitive
Stimulate your baby's sense of touch with materials such as fur, tissue, felt, and terrycloth, or look for books that make touching a part of the reading experience. Touching, carrying, and massaging your baby, along with moving her through the surrounding air when you lift her, are powerful ways to relax her and may even increase her alertness and attention span.
My Picture with Toy Mom Bought Me