Pseudostrabismu, as mentioned here is an optical illusion in which normal aligned eyes appear crossed due to an optical illusion. This appearance may be due to a wide, flat nasal bridge and/or prominent skin folds at the inner eyelids. These characteristics hide a portion of the white part of the eye creating the impression that one eye is turned toward the nose. This appearance resolves as the child gets older and causes no visual problems.
Pseudostrabismus is the false appearance of crossed eyes. When the eyes are actually crossed or not completely aligned with one another it is called strabismus. Pseudostrabimus generally occurs in infants and toddlers whose facial features are not fully developed. The bridge of their nose is wide and flat. With age, the bridge will narrow and the epicanthal folds in the corner of the eyes will go away. This will cause the eyes to appear wider, and thus not have the appearance of strabismus. To detect the difference between strabismus and pseudostrabismus use a flashlight to shine into the child's eyes.
When the child is looking at the light a reflection can be seen on the front surface of the pupil. If the eyes are aligned with one another then the reflection from the light will be in the same spot of each eye. If strabismus is present then the reflection from the light will not be in the same spot of each eye.
Pseudostrabismus is more likely to be observed in Native American or East Asian infants due to the presence of epicanthic fold obscuring the medial aspect of the eye.
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