Baby Photo with Cousin: Kak Hasbi

I am a 193 days / 6 months, 1 week & 6 days old baby

Kak Hasbi is another cousin of mine. He's elder brother of mbak Liha. Thus, he's the son of aunt Husna (dad's sister) and KH Baidhowi Khozin now pengasuh pondok pesantren Banyuanyar timur.

Kak Hasbi is funny. He's chubby too. I don't know if he's got obesity which I hope not.

Whether good or bad, being a chubby boy is more funny looking to the adult people.

By the way, today 17 August 2009 is the 64th anniversary of our independent day. Merdeka! for all Indonesian babies who celebrate this day with all parents.

Here's a photo of Kak Hasbi with me.

Farzan Esfandiar with Kak Hasbi