Part of baby photo with cousin series.
Najah is another cousin of mine. His full name is Muhammad Najah Atallah Biqalbin Salim. Yes, the five words are his full name. But you can call him simply Najah.
He's the son of Gus Nawawi bin Kyai Haji Muhammad Ganjaran Gondanglegi and Ning Shuva Abdullah Kamal Mufid, Kauman, Kepanjen, Malang. His mother (khala [aunty] Shuva) is mom's elder sister and that's why he's my cousin.
His age is about 2 years 6 months old.
He's got a congenial personality and he could be my good friend in the near future when I am able to talk and walk.
These are some photos between me and Najah (do you still remember his full name? Scroll up if not!)