Hip Dysplasia

I am a 221 days / 7 months 1 week & 4 days old baby

Hip dysplasia is normally called developmental (DDH), and occasionally congenital (CHD), and occurs when the top of the femur (leg bone) is not properly located in the hip socket or not located where the hip socket is expected to develop. Hip dysplasia in humans is normally diagnosed in babies. Statistically, girls have a higher incidence of hip dysplasia than boys.[1]


The exact cause of hip dysplasia is not easy to pin down, as there are thought to be several factors that contribute to developing this condition. Hip dysplasia occurs in about 0.4% of all births, and is most common in first born girls. Some known risk factors for a child to have hip dysplasia include:

o Children with a family history of hip dysplasia
o Babies born in breech position
o Babies born with other "packaging problems"*
o Oligohydraminos (lack of intrauterine fluid) [2]

How do you prevent it?

It is difficult to prevent something the cause of which is still quite elusive. However, it is well known that in cultures that practice infant swaddling and using cradle boards to carry their babies, the incidence of hip dysplasia is very high. On the other hand, cultures that carry their babies astride the mother’s backs have a low incidence of hip dysplasia. Hence it appears logical to discourage putting the baby’s legs in the extended position, and encourage keeping the baby’s hips spread apart. This latter position places the head of the femur (the ball) against the acetabulum (the socket), and encourages deepening of the socket.[3]

[1] Hip-baby.org
[2] About.com
[3] Orthoseek.com