What is a hydrocele?
A hydrocele is a collection of watery fluid in the scrotum that makes the scrotum appear swollen.
What is a hernia?
A hernia is similar to a hydrocele except that abdominal contents in addition to fluid make the scrotum and/or groin appear swollen. Girls can also develop hernias that appear as a bulge or swelling in the groin or labia. In girls, this swelling may result from either a piece of the intestine or, less commonly, a fallopian tube or ovary in the hernia bulge or ‘sac’.[1]
There are two types of hydroceles:
* Communicating hydrocele -- This is a hydrocele that has contact (or communication) with the fluids of the abdominal cavity. A communicating hydrocele is caused by the failure of the processus vaginalis (the thin membrane that extends through the inguinal canal and descends into the scrotum) to close completely during prenatal development. If this membrane remains open, there is a potential for both a hernia and a hydrocele to develop.
* Non-communicating hydrocele -- This condition might be present at birth or might develop years later for no obvious reason. A non-communicating hydrocele usually remains the same size or has a very slow growth.
Unlike an inguinal hernia, a hydrocele generally is not painful and does not have noticeable symptoms. (An inguinal hernia is tender and causes intestinal symptoms.)[2]
How can a hydrocele be repaired?
A non-communicating hydrocele usually does not need to be surgically repaired, since it usually goes away spontaneously within six to 12 months. A communicating hydrocele needs to be surgically repaired to prevent further complications. The surgery takes about an hour and is usually an outpatient procedure (which means the patient can go home the same day of the procedure).[3]

[1] Sjmercyhealth.org
[2] Clevelandclinic.org
[3] ibid