Acne in the newborn (also known as acne neonatorum) or baby acne is a common condition that affects roughly 20 percent of newborn babies. Infants usually develop neonatal acne because of stimulation of the baby’s sebaceous glands by lingering maternal hormones after delivery. These hormones cross the placenta into your baby and after delivery they cause the oil glands on the skin to form bumps that look like pimples. To your dismay your beautiful newborn’s face breaks out with red pimples on the cheeks, forehead and chin. Sometimes whiteheads are present as well.[1]
As with adolescent acne, there's no clear answer. For some time, experts have pointed to the hormones babies receive from their mother at the end of pregnancy as a cause of baby acne. But researchers continue to study other factors and have yet to agree on one culprit. If you take certain medications while nursing, for example, or if your baby takes certain medications, they might trigger baby acne.[2]
Don't put creams or oils on your baby's skin, because these can make the acne worse. Don't use over-the-counter acne medicines. And don't scrub. Baby acne isn't caused by dirt.
In fact, too much washing can further irritate your baby's skin, so don't overdo the cleansing. Simply wash your baby's face with mild baby soap and water once a day. Gently pat it dry.
Patience is usually the best course of action. Your baby's acne doesn't bother him in the least, so try not to let it bother you, either.[3]

[3] ibid
About Me:
I am a 282 days / 9 months, 1 weeks & 4 days old baby